Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How does a four stroke engine work?

Four stroke engine:-

         It is an internal combustion engine in which piston complets four separate stroke, first stroke is intake , second is compression, third is combustion or power stroke and last one is exhaust.
Four Stroke Engine

1) First Stroke = Intake
          At he starting of this stroke the position begins at top dead center i.e  TDC and end at the bottom dead center i.e BDC . The piston moves from TDC to BDC decreasing the pre - ssure in the cylinder . As piston moves from TDC to BDC the intake valve is open and a mixture of air and fuel flow from carburet -
ttor into the cylinder .

2) Second Stroke = Compression
         At the starting of this stroke the intake valve is closed and the piston moves from BDC to TDC . Due to this the mixture of air and fuel is compression and temperature in cylinder is increasing.In this stroke the both the valve is closed

3) Third Stroke = Combustion
          It is also known as ignition. The spark plug ignited the compressed mixture of air and fuel , the explosion pussed the piston and piston moves from TDC to BDC . During this stroke the intake and exhaust valves both are reaming close .

4) Fourth Stroke = Exhaust
          In this stroke the piston moves from BDC to TDC, the exhaust valves is open during this stroke and remove the gases products during the explosion through it and intake valve is remaining closed. 

 After completing the last stroke the whole process is repeated continuously .

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